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Career Change Self-Assessment
Career Change Self-Assessment
Career Change Self-Assessment
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Which of these best describes where you are in your career journey?
I am just beginning to explore career options
I do not know what I want to do next in my career, but I do know that I am unhappy where I currently am
I am clear on my next career move and want to make sure my resume and LinkedIn profile reflect my expertise and knowledge
I have already landed a new position, I need help with interviewing and/or salary negotiation
Which of these best describes your understanding of career options and alternatives you have?
I am a clinician, so I feel like I am stuck because my degree is so specific
I have an idea of potential options but do not know what fits me best
I know of options but do not know how to tailor my resume and cover letter
I am confident understanding different options and have a plan, but need help polishing my interviewing skills and tips for networking
This best describes my current status with understanding of the job market:
I feel scared to look because it has been a long time since I have looked for a new job and I am overwhelmed
I try to keep updated on the job market but not sure how industries and trends apply to me
I need help customizing my LinkedIn and utilizing different platforms for my job search and application process
I feel like I understand industry trends but struggle to receive job offers after interviewing
This best describes my current resume:
I have not even thought about updating my resume because I do not know what I can apply for
My resume and old and outdated
My resume is so-so, but I need help with how to apply for positions to get more action
My resume has been updated, but I am not confident in my ability to use it for the hidden job market or how to market myself
When it comes to networking:
What is a network?
I have a small network, but could expand
I network with colleagues and am present in groups, forums, and networking events
I am happy with my network, but would like to learn how to leverage professional relationships more effectively for career opportunities
When it comes to job searching:
I am completely lost and do not know where to even begin
I am applying to anything and everything and do not have a real strategy
I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do next, and my job search strategy reflects that
Job search is complete - time to brush up on my interviewing and salary negotiation skills!
I have been a clinician for:
0-3 years
4-5 years
5-10 years
10-20 years
I need an accountability partner for:
Helping me identify different career options that would be a good fit
To help me customize a killer resume that reflects my transferrable skills and sets me apart from the competition
Helping me utilize LinkedIn and develop a job search strategy
Strengthening my interviewing and salary negotiation skills for me to be successful
This best describes my knowledge of a cover letter:
I have never written a cover letter
I do not know the format or helpful content to put into a cover letter
I use them all the time, but they do not seem to matter
I mostly message recruiters or friends on social media or LinkedIn instead of use them
This best describes my readiness to commit to a career change:
I am resonating on a change, but I do not know how to go about it
I am not sure which positions are the best fit for me, or options outside of clinical work
I am READY for a change but I need help with my resume and cover letter
I have been applying for awhile with no calls or leads
This best describes my experience with a career coach or resume writer:
I have used one before but did not see results
I have never used one before and unclear on how it can benefit me
I have never used one but can use help with my strategy
I am committed to seeking services that can help me make a successful career transition
Which one of these best describes what you see as barriers to making a career change?
Not knowing what options there are, or what is going to be a good fit
Imposter syndrome in identifying my strengths and leveraging them to do something different than clinical work
I am overwhelmed with the amount of time and effort it takes to make a career change so I feel defeated
I am dedicated but not getting as much success while applying and interviewing
This is what I understand about the “hidden job market”:
I do not know what that is, but I am just now exploring a career transition
I have an idea of the hidden job market, but am not prepared with my resume and cover letter to feel confident approaching someone about a position
I am not sure how to navigate LinkedIn to research it
I am confident reaching out to others and finding success uncovering new opportunities, but I need help “sealing the deal” for an interview opportunity
What best describes your understanding of recruiter/talent acquisition techniques and how to approach someone about a professional opportunity?
I am nervous to reach out because I do not think I have the skill and experience to be considered for a different role
I do not have a polished resume and cover letter that is specific to the position, so why bother connecting?
I need help with my LinkedIn and etiquette and how to approach others about potential opportunities
I feel confident, but need help strategically asking about salary and benefits
What best describes your skill and experience with behavioral interviewing?
I have been stuck in the same job and have no idea about interviewing technique
I have not applied for any new positions yet so not sure if I need more practice
I get nervous with interviews and usually bomb them
I am confident but could use help with organizing and preparing my answers in an articulate way
This best describes my skill and confidence with negotiating salary and understanding compensation packages
I accepted the offer they provided with me, and have never negotiated salary
I do not know what options there are for me or opportunities to negotiate salary in my current role
I am not sure how/when to ask about this during the application or interview process
I need help understanding these and feeling confident to articulate my salary needs
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